Glossary of Terms
Why do I not see a user when I add a booking?
There are several possible reasons why you can’t view a specific user when adding a booking in the Schedule Module:
1. Check your Roles and Privileges. You may be restricted to only viewing users from a specific base(s) and/or group(s). This will determine the user list that is displayed.
2. If you want a user to appear in the schedule's user list with a specific function (flight instructor, MCC instructor, Flight Examiner) the instruction type must be checked in the user information window under the section "Instruction":
For instruction type bookings, the “Instructor” user list will only give you the option to select users that are registered as “Flight instructor” in the Instruction section of their user information.
For MCC type bookings, the “MCC Instructor” user list will only give you the option to select users registered as “MCC instructor” in the Instruction section of their user information.
For ground classes, the “Instructor” user list for classroom reservations will only give you the option to select users registered as “Ground instructor” in the Instruction section of their user information.
For exam type bookings, the “Examiner” user list will only give you the option to select users registered as “Flight examiner” in the Instruction section of their user information.
For AOC type of bookings, the “Pilot” or “Copilot” user list will only give you the option to select users registered as “AOC” in the Instruction section of their user information.
For more information, please watch the tutorial How to Add an Instructor.