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How to Set Up Instructor's Rates

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set set up the instructors' rates.

1. First, log in to your account.

2. Go to the Users module. 

3. From the users module select the instructor. 

4. Click on the rates tab.

5. Click on the "Add a rate" button.

6. Add the name of the rate. 

Now add the different rates for VFR, IFR, multi-engine (ME), Ground, Simulator, and Classroom lessons.

The first rate that you create will automatically become the default rate. 

Any subsequent rates that you add for this instructor will be applied in the order they have been created.

You can also add a condition:

This rate applies when a customer's balance is superior to a certain amount. 

If defined, an instructor's rate will be applied when you create an invoice from a flight. 

Note: When you add or edit an instructor in the users you can check off the type of instructor they are in the user information. For more information, please watch the tutorial How to Add, Edit, Delete a User.

**You will only see the rates tab if the user is defined as an instructor. In the user information window you can check off any of the following options in the Instruction section: flight instructor, mcc instructor, ground instructor, flight examiner, and AOC. If you do not check off anything the rates tab will NOT appear.**

Roles and Privileges for the Users Module: (1:31)

The privileges for the Users Module allow you to select what users can see and do on the Users Module.

You can allow a role to view the rates tab, add rates, edit rates, and/or delete rates.

For more information check out our tutorial!

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