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How to Add-Edit-Delete- Print Proformas

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add, edit and delete proformas in the Invoices Module.

The proformas tab allows you to create a proforma invoice, for example for large sums such as an  ATPL course, and then create several invoices based on that amount.

You can keep track of all the amounts paid, the current balance, and the amount due. You will easily have a view of the total as well as be able to filter the proformas by date, number, client, and legal entity.

Let me show you.


1. First, log in to your account.

2. Go to the Invoices Module.

3. Click on the ‘Proforma’ tab.

4. Click on the plus sign on the top right-hand corner of the page. Here you can choose the legal entity that should be registered, in case you have more than one.

The proforma invoice will post the current date but you can modify this if needed just by clicking on it. You can set a due date. The system will automatically generate a new invoice number, starting with a 'P'  to differentiate from other invoices. You can add the invoice terms.

1. Choose the client from the drop-down list. The system will fill in all the user's personal information automatically.

2. Check the box if you want to send the proforma invoice by email.

3. Click on ‘Add a line’ to manually add an item with a code, description, unit price excluding VAT,  VAT percentage, and quantity; or click on ‘Add a product’ to select one or more products from your pre-created list. The total price including VAT will calculate automatically.

Don’t forget to save.


1. Click on the 3 dots next to the proforma invoice you want to edit.

2. Select ‘Edit'.

3. Here you can edit all the information you need.

Don’t forget to save.


1. Click on the 3 dots next to the proforma invoice you want to delete.

2. Select ‘Delete’.

3. You will be prompted with a warning: “Attention! You are going to delete this proforma. Are you sure?”.

4. . Click ‘Yes’ to delete or ‘No’ to cancel.


1. Click on the 3 dots next to the proforma invoice you want to print.

2. Select ‘print’.

3. A PDF document will download, showing that specific proforma.


Now that you have created a proforma invoice you can generate several invoices from the total amount. This allows you to invoice the amount in installments. In other words, the amount can be paid in several payments and you will have invoices linked to the proforma invoice with the total amount. The payments will reflect on the amount paid and the balance due.

1. Click on the 3 dots next to the proforma invoice.

2. Select Add invoice. This will create an invoice linked to the proforma invoice. The Description will automatically fill in with the proforma invoice number.

3. Add the unit price excluding VAT to be invoiced.

4. Click Save. This will post an invoice to the user's account.

After payment has been received, the amount will be reflected in the amount paid and the balance due.

Note: Proforma invoices are not mandatory to generate an invoice, you can create an invoice directly from the Invoices tab. For more information about how to create an invoice, please watch the tutorial, How to Add/Edit/Delete Invoices.

For more information about the Invoices Module, please watch the other tutorials.

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