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What happens when you set an Aircraft to Inactive Status?

Inactive aircrafts are not paid by the company. You can only deactivate 1 aircraft per calendar month.

By deactivating an aircraft you are blocking it from appearing in the schedule and it can’t be reserved.


The inactive aircraft won’t appear on the list of aircrafts available to be booked in the Schedule Module.

All the future flights booked with the aircraft will disappear.

The previous flights booked with the aircraft will continue to appear in the Flights Module and the information won’t be lost by deactivating it.


The maintenance information will disappear from the Maintenance tab.

The aircraft alerts will disappear from the Aircraft tab.


The inactive aircraft will continue to appear in the Reports Module, showing all the information that was previously collected when it was active.

You may need to log in again to view the active/inactive changes made.

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