Glossary of Terms
Key Features
Time-saving, it's that simple!
The Schedule Module can manage all of your bookings. You can easily keep track of all your aircraft bookings, simulator bookings, classroom bookings for ground lessons, and instructors' schedule and activities.
You can easily add, edit, delete and cancel bookings. You will be able to view footprints of all modifications that have been made on a booking, by who, and when.
You can add private bookings or public bookings. You can also allow some users to book themselves and await approval.
Offering easy-to-use features such as drag&drop to modify bookings.
The system automatically checks for double bookings, expired certificates, flight and duty time, availability, account balance, pending bookings, and aircraft maintenance.
in the Schedule Settings, you can customize the constraints to ensure a seamless, easy-to-use booking system.
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